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Fit Crunch Bars
Fit Crunch Bars have been one of the leaders in the industry for quite some time, and based on the texture of these bars, I can see the appeal. However, the flavor is simply too artificial for me to truly enjoy these bars.
GoMacro Stack
If you need a bar that checks all the health food boxes (gluten-free, plant-based, organic) then GoMacro has you covered, but the flavors won't blow you away.
Promax protein bars
Promax protein bars are pretty average as far as taste is concerned, but their soft texture is pleasant compared to most overly chewy options out there.
RXBar Review
RXBar gives you exactly what you expect: it's all laid out right on the package, and what you see is exactly what you taste. If you want a protein bar with minimal ingredients, I can see the appeal, but there are far tastier options out there.
Grab the gold snack bars
These Grab The Gold snack bars are much more of a "health food" bar then they are a protein bar, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They have well-rounded macros, clean ingredients, and a great amount of sweetness... I was pleasantly surprised by these.
