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Authentic Protein Bars
Yet another peanut butter-based protein bar has hit the market, and it looks very similar to others out there. But does it taste similar? Spoiler alert: yep!
Special K Protein Bars
These Special K protein bars are surprisingly delicious and eat like a regular cereal snack bar. The protein content isn't overly impressive, but the taste and texture are both very pleasant.
CTRL cookie dough bar
CTRL bars have good flavor, but they are very sweet and lack the nutrition facts that would make this a go-to protein bar. The texture is very similar to Anabar, but overly sweet with less protein overall.
Grab the gold snack bars
These Grab The Gold snack bars are much more of a "health food" bar then they are a protein bar, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They have well-rounded macros, clean ingredients, and a great amount of sweetness... I was pleasantly surprised by these.
Bobo's protein bars
I love Bobo's Oat Bars, but these protein bars are a huge disappointment for me. They taste like flavored pea protein in the form of a protein bar- something that I am certainly not into.
Met RX Protein Bars
There's no denying that MET-Rx bars are fun, and if you need a high-calorie option, these might be a good choice for you. But when compared to the other options available today, these are only average in almost every single category.
TRUBAR flavors
As far as plant-based protein bars are concerned, TRUBAR is pretty impressive. The flavors are unique, and considering the minimal ingredients used, they're better than most other plant-based bars out there.
GoMacro Stack
If you need a bar that checks all the health food boxes (gluten-free, plant-based, organic) then GoMacro has you covered, but the flavors won't blow you away.
