Barebells has taken their beloved protein bars and somehow made them... better? These are truly the most candy bar-like protein bar out there.
Barebells are one of the most popular protein bars on the market today, and I'm going to help show you why.
Fit Crunch Bars are some of the most popular protein bars on the market today, and these wafer bars are even better.
Ready may not be a name you're familiar with, but it's time you get familiar, because their protein bars are a serious contender.
Fulfil bars are a great, no-frills protein bar that will not disappoint. Made by Ferrero, it's no surprise that the chocolate in these is delicious.
Misfits plant-based protein bars has underdone a complete reformulation, and they may have just become the best vegan protein bar out there.
If you like peanut M&M's, there's no reason you wouldn't love these candies. You can definitely taste a slight artificial flavor, but I'd put this at about 90% of the real thing.
Once again I am left scratching my head because the UK has another delicious protein bar that I know would sell VERY well in the US. Sigh.
Reese's and Hershey bars in protein bar form? Sign me up! Can these bars actually live up to that high bar?
ALOHA protein bars are some of the better plant-based protein bars I've tried, and they are the perfect introduction to plant-based eating if you are new to that world. The flavors are great for ANY protein bar, not just plant-based bars.
G2G Bars are refrigerated protein bars done right. The peanut butter bars are absolutely delicious, and any fan of peanut butter will not be disappointed.
Quest Nutrition is always innovating with new products, and these candy bites are their attempt as a healthy, protein-packed candy bar.
I typically do not enjoy Lenny & Larry's products, but these bars surprised me. While they're not insanely high in protein, the flavor and texture is awesome, especially for a plant-based bar.
As far as plant-based protein bars are concerned, TRUBAR is pretty impressive. The flavors are unique, and considering the minimal ingredients used, they're better than most other plant-based bars out there.
ONE Coffee Shop is ONE bar's new line of caffeinated protein bars, and they're a very welcome addition for coffee lovers.
Quest Hero bars are a great change of pace from regular Quest Bars. The flavors won't blow you away, but their unique texture makes these really enjoyable protein bars.
ONE Bars are some of the best protein bars on the market, but which flavors reign supreme? Here's my ranking!
Mars protein bars are only available in the UK, and it's a shame, because they are surprisingly delicious.
These Special K protein bars are surprisingly delicious and eat like a regular cereal snack bar. The protein content isn't overly impressive, but the taste and texture are both very pleasant.
Own Your Hunger's Wonderspreads are one of the best "healthy" snacks I've ever tried, so the expectations for their version of a protein bar were extremely high.
These Grab The Gold snack bars are much more of a "health food" bar then they are a protein bar, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They have well-rounded macros, clean ingredients, and a great amount of sweetness... I was pleasantly surprised by these.
Perfect Bar changed the protein bar landscape with their innovative refrigerated protein bars, but how do they compared to others on the market today?
Quest Bars got a complete makeover, so it's time to review the new formula and rank every single Quest Bar flavor!
Foundation protein bars have great texture, but the flavors are currently not anything special. With some improvements, these can become a top protein bar in the industry.