Once again I am left scratching my head because the UK has another delicious protein bar that I know would sell VERY well in the US. Sigh.
Mars protein bars are only available in the UK, and it's a shame, because they are surprisingly delicious.
Battle Bars are technically crispy, but in a dense proteiny type of way. If you're hoping for a protein Rice Krispies, you're gonna be disappointed.
Gorilla Bar wants to be Anabar, and it succeeds in having the same look & macros as Anabar, but the overall texture and flavor is a step down.
Mountain Joe's is a UK-based protein bar that is very popular, and the bars remind me a ton of Fit Crunch Bars. Albeit, maybe one step down.
Barebells are one of the most popular protein bars on the market today, and I'm going to help show you why.
In the ever-evolving landscape of protein-packed snacks, Quest Nutrition has always been...
High-protein granola bars are here, and they fit seemingly every box imaginable: gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free, and more.
Magic Spoon is one of the most popular high-protein cereals out there, but can their high-protein marshmallow treats live up to those expectations?
Fulfil bars are a great, no-frills protein bar that will not disappoint. Made by Ferrero, it's no surprise that the chocolate in these is delicious.
Reese's and Hershey bars in protein bar form? Sign me up! Can these bars actually live up to that high bar?
As far as plant-based protein bars are concerned, TRUBAR is pretty impressive. The flavors are unique, and considering the minimal ingredients used, they're better than most other plant-based bars out there.
Gatorade protein bars definitely have appeal as a change of pace from the typical chewy protein bars, but with over 300 calories and around 30 grams of sugar per bar, there are far better options out there.
CTRL bars have good flavor, but they are very sweet and lack the nutrition facts that would make this a go-to protein bar. The texture is very similar to Anabar, but overly sweet with less protein overall.
Fit Crunch Bars are some of the most popular protein bars on the market today, and these wafer bars are even better.
If you've ever had a jar of flavored high-protein peanut butter, you've experienced the flavor of Outright bars. They don't stand out against out peanut butter-based bars, but you could do worse.
G2G Bars are refrigerated protein bars done right. The peanut butter bars are absolutely delicious, and any fan of peanut butter will not be disappointed.
If you need a bar that checks all the health food boxes (gluten-free, plant-based, organic) then GoMacro has you covered, but the flavors won't blow you away.
Barebells protein bars are some of the most delicious bars out there, but how do their plant-based protein bars stack up?
RXBar gives you exactly what you expect: it's all laid out right on the package, and what you see is exactly what you taste. If you want a protein bar with minimal ingredients, I can see the appeal, but there are far tastier options out there.
Which protein bars are the best-tasting? Let's put the price, macros, etc, to the side, and rank the BEST protein bars strictly on taste.
If you buy these protein bars expecting Snickers, you're going to be extremely disappointed. But if you expect an average and unexciting protein bar, these fit the bill. They are not bad, just nothing special, and certainly NOT Snickers bars.
I love Bobo's Oat Bars, but these protein bars are a huge disappointment for me. They taste like flavored pea protein in the form of a protein bar- something that I am certainly not into.
Clif Builders Bars are decent for what they are, and they do have great texture. But the soy flavor is simply too strong in each bar, overpowering all of the other flavors.