Flavor Tried: Vanilla
Price: $28.99 for 10 ($2.89 each)
Nutrition: 200 Calories, 9g Fat, 13g Carbs (0g Fiber & 6g Sugar), 15g Protein

Myprotein has been making a name for themselves in recent years, and they’ve quickly become one of the most popular brands out there.
Currently, they’re way more popular across the pond, but their products are starting to make an impact here in the US. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about the company as a whole, so when I came across these wafers at my local Vitamin Shoppe, I had to give ’em a try.
Wafer protein bars are still relatively uncommon, but there are a few options currently on the market: most notably, Power Crunch Bars and Optimum Nutrition Wafers.
Both of them are decent enough options, but neither one knocks my socks off. Let’s see if Myprotein can change that.

Nutritionally speaking, these wafers are extremely similar to Optimum Nutrition’s version.
It’s always a nice change of pace for me when I try a protein bar that isn’t loaded up with fiber and/or sugar alcohol, so I don’t mind seeing a little bit of sugar in these.
Much like when I tried Optimum’s wafer bar, I was surprised to see chocolate on it. I know, I know… I should have looked at the photo on the wrapper more closely. But when I see that the flavor is vanilla, I don’t expect a bar with chocolate.

I understand the need for some kind of coating on the bottom to hold everything together, but why not go with white chocolate?
Call me crazy, but I’d buy the chocolate flavor if I wanted chocolate.
Luckily, the chocolate coating isn’t too overpowering, and this bar still mostly tastes like vanilla.
That being said, it’s not a particularly good vanilla flavor.

The flavor is definitely artificial, but not in an overpowering or painful kind of way. The best way I can describe the flavor is if vanilla whey protein was packaged up in protein bar form.
Yes, it’s technically vanilla, but if you know the flavor of vanilla protein powder, you know that it leaves a little bit to be desired.
Texturally, the bar is probably exactly what you expect. It’s light and airy, just like any other wafer. The one thing it’s really missing is a soft cream layer in the middle of the wafers like Power Crunch has in their bars, though. If they had that creamy layer inside, it’d really help.
As it currently stands, this wafer bar is pretty average tasting. In fact, I find it to be nearly identical to the Optimum Nutrition version, so if you’ve tried those before, you’ll know exactly what to expect here.
If you have a soft spot in your heart for wafers, these might be a great choice for you. But definitely temper your expectations, because they’re definitely not as moist & creamy as true wafer bars typically are.
There’s nothing inherently bad about these bars, but there’s nothing amazing about them, either. I love the idea of wafer bars, but I still don’t think anyone has truly nailed it just yet.