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Promax protein bars
Promax protein bars are pretty average as far as taste is concerned, but their soft texture is pleasant compared to most overly chewy options out there.
Pure Protein Bars
Pure Protein bars were one of the original protein bars on the market, and they have stood the test of time. They were my introduction to protein bars many years ago, and I think they are perfect for that.
Quest Hero Bars
Quest Hero bars are a great change of pace from regular Quest Bars. The flavors won't blow you away, but their unique texture makes these really enjoyable protein bars.
RXBar Review
RXBar gives you exactly what you expect: it's all laid out right on the package, and what you see is exactly what you taste. If you want a protein bar with minimal ingredients, I can see the appeal, but there are far tastier options out there.
Special K Protein Bars
These Special K protein bars are surprisingly delicious and eat like a regular cereal snack bar. The protein content isn't overly impressive, but the taste and texture are both very pleasant.
TRUBAR flavors
As far as plant-based protein bars are concerned, TRUBAR is pretty impressive. The flavors are unique, and considering the minimal ingredients used, they're better than most other plant-based bars out there.
Zing Bars
Zing bars are a great plant-based and gluten-free option, and I can definitely recommend them on flavor alone. Unfortunately, the protein content is much lower than other options out there, preventing this from becoming a top-tier vegan protein bar.
