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REVIEW: Grab The Gold Snack Bars

Flavor Tried: Chocolate Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter & Jelly

Price: $29.88 for 12 bars ($2.49 each)

Nutrition: 190 Calories, 5g Fat, 25g Carbs (7g Fiber & 12g Sugar), 11g Protein

Grab the gold snack bars

Grab The Gold Bars are one of those protein snacks that I see at the grocery store all the time but walk right past, and it’s time to change that.

Having been around since 1990, this is not exactly a new protein snack, but it’s brand new to my tastebuds. The reason I have been hesitant to try these is that they are very much a “health food” instead of a protein bar.

Don’t get me wrong: these are protein-packed, but not to the level that we’re used to seeing with protein bars.

Each snack bar contains around 200 calories with 11 grams of protein, which is decent enough to qualify these as a protein snack, but their real appeal lies in the ingredients.

Grab The Gold prides itself on being gluten-free, plant-based, high-fiber, preservative-free, and more. Combine these with a simple & clean ingredients list, and you’ve very much got yourself a “health food” bar.

They currently have two flavors: chocolate peanut butter and peanut butter & jelly, so let’s try ’em both.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Grab The Gold Snack Bar

Holding grab the gold bar

The first thing that’s worth mentioning about these “bars” is that they are a very unique shape. I guess calling these “bars” is really the only real option, but these are shaped like little pucks instead of a traditional bar.

With a clear mix of peanut butter & oats, these resemble those homemade “energy balls” that a lot of people like to make, so I was very interested to see if they would taste similar.

Grab the gold peanut butter and jelly

The texture of these snack bars is very unique, and I mean that in a great way.

The peanut butter gives these a smooth consistency, but they are still firm & almost crumbly when bitten into. The thick cane sugar gives these a grittiness that resembles raw cookie dough, which is a great addition.

Taste-wise, you definitely taste both peanut butter and chocolate, and it doesn’t taste at all artificial like a lot of snack bars out there.

These do very much taste like a “health food” however, and since the ingredients are so simple, they wouldn’t replace your favorite protein bar that resembles a candy bar. But if an all-around healthy option is what you’re after, then this fits the bill.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Grab The Gold Snack Bar

Chocolate peanut butter grab the gold

On looks alone, I did not anticipate that this bar would actually taste like peanut butter and jelly, but Grab The Gold nailed this flavor.

The smell will transport you right back to grade school, and the jelly flavor actually comes through in each bite. Peanut butter is still the main flavor you get, which is what you expect from peanut butter & jelly.

Much like the chocolate peanut butter flavor, the texture is extremely interesting. The bar is firm and almost crumbly, yet smooth from the peanut butter, and the granular pieces of sugar add a really unique grittiness.

If you’re a fan of peanut butter and jelly (and let’s be honest, who isn’t?) this flavor delivers.

Grab The Gold Snack Bars: Overall Thoughts

Grab the gold snack bars

When I first tried each flavor of these snack bars, I was ready to write them off as a basic “health food” snack, but as I continued eating them, they continued to grow on me.

I went back and finished each bar the following day after my initial taste, and I loved these snack bars.

While I still agree that these are much more appealing to the gluten-free & plant-based crowd rather than the average protein bar consumer, these hold their own as a delicious snack.

The flavors are accurate, and the texture is unique enough that it kept me coming back for me.

Given the fact that these bars contain 200 calories and 11 grams of protein, they won’t be a staple in my protein snack rotation, but I can absolutely see the appeal for someone needing a gluten-free, plant-based, and all-around healthy option.

Grab the gold snack bars
REVIEW: Grab The Gold Snack Bars
These Grab The Gold snack bars are much more of a "health food" bar then they are a protein bar, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They have well-rounded macros, clean ingredients, and a great amount of sweetness... I was pleasantly surprised by these.
Flavor Accuracy
Overall Taste
The Good
Very unique texture- much different than traditional bars
Great sweetness level
Simple ingredients
The Bad
Not a ton of protein
More sugar than protein, which may be less than ideal for some
Small size
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