Price: $39.99 for 12 shakes ($3.33 per shake)
Nutrition: 160 Calories, 4.5g Fat, 4g Carbs (1g Sugar), 25g Protein
Ghost is a huge name in the fitness & supplement world, and some of their collaborations are hard to believe.
I mean, Chips Ahoy is just one example. Ghost Lifestyle has also partnered with Nutter Butter, Oreo, Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids, Sonic, and more.
In terms of branding and marketing, Ghost gets a clear A+. Even their logo and packaging are second to none.
Unfortunately, their products are also a bit pricey, so I haven’t gotten around to trying most of them to this point. But, since I love you guys and want to help you navigate the millions of products out there, I’m trying the Ghost Chips Ahoy protein shake for you.
In terms of nutrition, the Ghost protein shakes are pretty impressive. 25 grams of protein is more than a lot of other ready-to-drink protein shakes, and it is still low in fat and carbs.
But, a big red flag is looking at the ingredients and seeing that it is mainly water, protein powder, and cocoa powder.
Spoiler alert: it’s going to taste like a chocolate protein shake, not like chocolate chip cookies.
In terms of texture and drinkability, the Ghost protein shake is great. It’s not at all gritty, and it doesn’t give me that gross slimy feeling that a lot of protein shakes tend to have.
But it doesn’t taste like cookies. At all.
Let alone Chips Ahoy cookies.
Look, I get it: this is a protein shake with 1 gram of sugar, so obviously it is not going to taste like crushed up Chips Ahoy cookies. I’ve had enough protein snacks to know that this never going to be the case.
But if you’re going to have the Chips Ahoy logo on there, the shake should at least resemble cookies in some way.
This protein shake just tastes like a chocolate shake, and an average one at that. If I were doing a blind taste test, I would definitely identify this as plain chocolate.
Ghost’s strengths are clearly in its branding and marketing, and it’s no secret that people are buying these shakes because of the awesome labels. Frankly, I can’t blame them.
I went through the various sites that sell these shakes, and the reviews are overall extremely positive, which just goes to show how strong brand loyalty can be.
This is no knock on Ghost as a company, and they are clearly doing something right to be able to land all of these incredible partnerships.
But anybody who claims that this shake tastes like cookies is delusional because this is just a chocolate protein shake.